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Barrett, A. K., Ford, J., & Zhu, Y. (revise & resubmit). Sending and receiving safety and risk messages in hospitals: An exploration into providers’ perceived communication overload. Health Communication.


Barrett, A. K. (revise & resubmit). The communicative constitution of health information technology (HIT) resilience in healthcare organizations. Information Technology & People.    


Barrett, A. K. (accepted). “I can tell you right now, EHR does not improve communication. It does not improve healthcare”: Understanding how providers make sense of their advanced information technology (AIT) workarounds. Journal of Applied Communication Research


Barrett A. K., & Murphy, M. M. (accepted). Social support in self-help groups: Comparing perceived support, effectiveness, satisfaction, and network quality in face-to-face and videoconferencing meetings. Western Journal of Communication


Barrett, A. K., & Murphy, M. (2019). Was that logical?: Demonstrating decision-making constraints in the contemporary workplace environment. Communication Teacher, 33, 309-314. doi: 10.1080/17404622.2019.1575426


Barrett, A. K. (2019). Digital storytelling: Using new technology affordances to organize during high uncertainty. Narrative Inquiry, 29, 213-243.


Rhidenour, K., Barrett, A. K., & Blackburn, K. (2019). Heroes or health victims?: Exploring how the elite media frames veterans on Veterans Day. Health Communication, 34, 371-382. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2017


Barrett, A. K. (2018a). Technological appropriations as workarounds: Integrating electronic health records and adaptive structuration theory research. Information Technology & People, 31, 368-387.


Barrett, A. K. (2018b). Electronic health record (EHR) organizational change: Explaining resistance through profession, organizational experience, and EHR communication quality. Health Communication, 33, 496-506.


Barrett, A. K., & Dailey, S. (2018). A new normal? Competing national discourses and workers’ constructions of identity and meaningful work in Norway.

Communication Monographs, 85, 284-307.


Barrett, A. K. (2018c). Information seeking from organizational communication sources during healthcare technology change. Communication Quarterly, 66, 58-78.


Barrett, A. K., Murphy, M., & Blackburn, K. (2018). "Playing hooky" health messages: Apprehension, impression management, and deception. Health Communication, 33, 326-337.


Barrett, A. K., & Stephens, K. K. (2017a). Making electronic healthcare records (EHRs) work: Informal talk and workarounds in healthcare organizations. Health Communication, 32, 1004-1013.


Barrett, A. K., & Stephens, K. K. (2017b). The pivotal role of change appropriation in the implementation of healthcare technology. Management Communication Quarterly, 31, 163-193. doi: 10.1177/0893318916682872. Lead article.


Stephens, K. K., & Barrett, A. K. (2016). Communicating briefly: Technically. International Journal of Business Communication, 53, 398-418. doi: 10.1177/2329488414525463


Barrett, A. K. (2014). Breaking boundaries: Time and work-life practices in hospital organizations.  Western Journal of Communication, 78, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/10570314.2014.926390


Stephens, K. K., Barrett, A. K., & Mahometa, M. L. (2013). Organizational communication in emergencies: Using multiple channels and sources to combat noise and capture attention. Human Communication Research, 39, 230-251.


Barrett, A. K. (2009).  Lyndon B. Johnson, “Let Us Continue” (27 November 1963). Voices of Democracy, 4, 97-119.




Barrett, A. K. (forthcoming). The Evolution of Crisis Communication: Digital Storytelling and New Technology Affordances. In A. Cirucci & S. Srauy (Eds.), Digital Affordances: Techno-Social and Critical Concerns. New York, NY: Routledge.


Barrett, A. K. (2016). “The Serial-Killer Application”: Email Overload and The Dark Side of Technology in the Workplace. E. Gilchrist-Petty & S. D. Long (Eds.), Contexts of the Dark Side of Communication. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.


Barrett, A. K., & Schlueter, D. W. (2015). Computer-Mediated Leadership and Disciplinary Action: Using New Technology to Dismantle the Social Stereotypes and Gender Performances that Infiltrate Face-to-Face Communication. In A. Martinez & L. Miller (Eds.), Gender in a Transitional Era: Changes and Challenges. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.


Barrett, A. K. & Ballard, D. (2014). The Norwegian Workplace Hustle: A Crisis of National Identity. In L. Browning & J. O. Sornes (Eds.), Stories of the High North: A Reader. New York, NY: Routledge.


Barrett, A. K. & Heemstra, H. (2014). LO-VE is complicated: Locating the Voice of Tourism Organizations in the Great Oil Debate in Northern Norway. In L. Browning & J. O. Sornes (Eds.) Stories of the High North: A Reader. New York, NY: Routledge.




Stephens, K. K., Ford, J. L., Barrett, A. K., & Mahometta, M. (2014). Alert networks of ICTs and sources in campus emergencies. In S. R. Hiltz, M. S. Pfaff, L. Plotnick, & A. C. Robinson (Eds.). Proceedings of the 11th International ISCRAM Conference (pp. 650-659): University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2014. 

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